You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.6. KITTING Menu: Micronet Kitting System > Trial Kitting

Kitting - Trial Kitting

Use this option to calculate how many of each kit item can be assembled with the current levels of stock. Micronet displays this information on screen. You then have the option to create the works orders for the desired quantity of each kit item.

To run the Trial Kitting program:


Micronet displays the Trial Kitting screen.

  1. In the Warehouse field, enter the number of the warehouse you want to run Trial Kitting for.

You can delete the default warehouse and press Enter to select a different warehouse.

  1. Select the kit items you want to run Trial Kitting for.

Refer to the next section "Selecting the Items for Trial Kitting".

  1. Optionally, create the works orders for the kits and Ordered quantities displayed.

Refer to "Creating a Works Order from Trial Kitting".


Technical Tip

If you exit the Trial Kitting screen without creating works orders, you can recall the Trial Kitting batch at a later time via the Works Order Creation screen. For more information, refer to "Works Order Creation - File - Load HORD".